Finding Your Perfect Toothpaste
HOW DO YOU choose the right toothpaste out of the wall of colorful boxes on the store shelf? Is it better to get…
DetailsCall / Diamond Bar: (909) 396-9000
Call or text / San Dimas: (909) 599-4000
Diamond Bar: (909) 396-9000
San Dimas: (909) 599-4000
HOW DO YOU choose the right toothpaste out of the wall of colorful boxes on the store shelf? Is it better to get…
DetailsEVERY ORTHODONTIC PATIENT dreams of Braces Off Day, but tooth decay and unsightly stains can…
DetailsPICTURE AN ANCIENT Egyptian in braces. That mental image might not be too…
DetailsRUDIMENTARY DENTAL EXTRACTIONS were performed in China as early as 6,000 BC, and there is…
DetailsPOTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS are a concern with pretty much every medication that exists. We can…
DetailsEVERY ORTHODONTIC PATIENT has probably wondered what all the different parts are for in…
DetailsAS UNFAIR AND ILLOGICAL as it can be, people do tend to judge others on their appearances, and…
DetailsTHERE WAS SOMETHING rotten in the state of England during the Early Modern Era: everyone’s…
DetailsTHE OLD LINE “it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown” isn’t actually true. It takes at…
DetailsPART OF THE braces experience is the banned foods list. Our patients might be familiar…